Board of Directors



Composition of the Board of Directors

​Gilles Denoyel

Chairman of the Board of Directors

04-August-1954 - French

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2018 / 2022-2026

Independent director
Chairman of the board of directors of Dexia Holding
Chairman of the board of directors of Dexia

Other mandates and functions 
Director of Trust BK (France), Director and chairman of the committee monitoring nuclear commitments of EDF (France)

Gilles Denoyel is a graduate of the Ecole des Mines in Paris, the Institut d'études politiques (IEP) in Paris, and the Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA). He was appointed Inspector of Finance at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance in 1981 before, in 1985, joining the Directorate of the Treasury as Mission Head and then as Secretary General (1987) to the CIRI, Head of the Credit Insurance Office, Head of the Financial Markets Office (1989-92), Deputy Director of Insurance (1992-94), and Deputy Director of Holdings (1994-96). He then joined the CCF group in 1996 as Director Finance, Secretary General in charge of Strategy and Operations in 1998, then Deputy Director General Finance in 2000 and participated in the link-up with the British group HSBC, where he continued his career as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of HSBC France from 2004. In that role, he was first in charge of central and financial functions. In 2006, he took charge of the asset management business line, insurance activities and central non-financial functions. From 2007, he supervised all the risk and control functions and relations with the supervisory authorities. In 2015, he was appointed International President Institutional Relations of the HSBC group for Europe. Since his retirement from the HSBC group, in June 2016, he has been performing advice missions in the financial sector and has been Senior Advisor at Bain Consulting. He was chairman of the group of banks under foreign control in France from 2006 until 2016, and Treasurer of the French Banking Association from 2004 until 2016. Since May 2019 he has been director and chairman of the nuclear commitments committee of EDF.
Principal fields of expertise
Finance and credit institutions, financial risk management, leadership and management of institutions.

​Pierre Crevits


23-May-1967 - Belgian

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2020 / 2024-2028

Executive director
Director and Chairman of the Management Board of Dexia Holding
Director and Chairman of he Management Board of Dexia

Other mandates and functions 
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Namur Invest

Pierre Crevits is holder of Master’s Degree in Economics and Social Sciences, extended by four years as an assistant at the University of Namur. He spent the rest of his career to date at the National Bank of Belgium. He held various positions there, including head of macroeconomic statistics, before taking over as head of the Bank's General Secretariat, a position he has held to this day.
From 2010 to 2014 he was seconded as Chief of Staff in the Belgian federal government. He also chaired the Scientific Committee on Government Accounts at the Institute of National Accounts from 2016 to 2020 and still chairs the Board of Directors of the Namur Invest Group.
Principal fields of expertise
Economics, banking supervision and banking regulation, strategy, HR management, crisis management.

​Giovanni Albanese Guidi


22-February-1959 - Italian

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2018 / 2023-2027

Executive director
Director and Member of the management board as Chief Risk Officer of Dexia Holding
Director and Chief Risk Officer, Deputy Executive Officer of Dexia

Giovanni Albanese Guidi has a degree in electrical engineering from the University of La Sapienza (Italy), a Master of Science and a third cycle Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California (USA), as well as an MBA from the Bocconi University (Italy). After working for more than 18 years in different firms of consultants (McKinsey & Company, Booz Allen and Hamilton and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants), he joined the Unicredit group in 2006, where in particular he was head of risks for Italy, head of the group’s credit risk and head of the group's internal validation department. In September 2018, he was appointed Chief Risk
Officer of the Dexia Group and a member of the Management Board of Dexia.

​Anne Blondy-Touret


07-October-1979 - French

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2023 / 2023-2027

Non-executive director
Director of Dexia Holding and Dexia

Main function
Secretary General of the Ministries of the Economy and Finance

Anne Blondy-Touret, a former student of the Ecole nationale d'administration (Romain Gary academic year), is a graduate of the Institut d'études politiques de Paris and the College of Europe in Bruges (Aristotle academic year). After a career dedicated to the management of economic policies, she joined the General Secretariat of the Ministries of the Economy and Finance in January 2023. The General Secretariat coordinates Ministry cross-cutting policies, supports the transformation, manages the support functions and ensures social dialogue. She has spent nearly 20 years in the service of the State, in positions of great responsibility, notably in the Treasury's General Directorate, at Agence France Trésor, at the World Bank in Washington and as head of the Finance department at the French Permanent Representation to the European Union. She was assistant to the head of the office for public aid and development at the French Treasury from 2005 to 2007, and then became head of the Treasury department at the Agence France Trésor for two years. She then joined the World Bank where she was Deputy Director for France from 2010 to 2012 before returning to the Treasury's General Directorate where she was in charge of the office of insurance markets and products and then the sub-directorate of bilateral economic relations. From 2017 to 2020, she was head of the finance department of the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union in Brussels before taking up the post of head of the macroeconomic policies and European affairs department at the Treasury Directorate-General until 1 January 2023. She was a director of the European Investment Bank from 2020 to 2022 and coordinated the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2022 for the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. 

Principal fields of expertise
financial markets, finance, European questions, direction and management of institutions, financial risk management, crisis management.

​Alexandre De Geest


05-February-1971 - Belgian

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2012 / 2021-2025

Non-executive director 
Director of Dexia Holding and Dexia

Main function
General Administrator of the Belgian Federal Public Service Finance (FPS Finance)

Other mandates and functions
Chairman of the Protection Fund for Financial Instruments, Member of the Commission for Nuclear Reserves

Alexandre De Geest is a graduate in law from the Catholic University of Louvain and the Free University of Brussels. He has been a director of numerous companies including Gazelec (2004-2005) and the Silver Fund since 2003. He was an Adviser to the Cabinet of the Federal Minister of Finance from 2000, then an Adviser to the Cabinet of the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2011. He has been director of FPS Finance since 2012 and CEO since 2016.
Principal fields of expertise
Financial markets, finance, taxation.

​Véronique Hugues


28-May-1970 - French

Year of first appointment / Current mandate

Executive director
Director and Member of the management board as Chief Financial Officer of Dexia Holding
Director and Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Executive Officer of Dexia

Véronique Hugues has a double Master’s degree in finance from the University of Paris IX Dauphine and the University Johan Wolfgang Goethe in Frankfurt and a master DESS 203, market finance from the University of Paris IX Dauphine. After beginning her career with Deutsche Bank in Paris, in the ALM department, she joined the Dexia Group in 2001 as Head of Long-Term Funding. She took charge of Financial Communication in 2009 and, in 2013, became Head of Financial Management and director of Dexia Kommunalbank Deutschland and Dexia Sabadell. From 2014 to 2016, she was Deputy CFO of Dexia and a member the Group Committee. With this mandate, she directed various transversal projects within the Finance activity line. Since June 2016 she has been an executive director of Dexia, Chief Financial Officer and member of the Management Board of Dexia and Director and Executive Vice President of Dexia Crédit Local.

Principal fields of expertise
Finance, financial markets, financial communication, change management and transformation processes

​Tamar Joulia-Paris


05-October-1952 - Belgian

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2019 / 2023-2027

Independent director 
Director of Dexia Holding and Dexia

Other mandates and functions
Executive director of TJP Capital, Director of Greenomy, Director of Bank Degroof Petercam and its affiliate DPAM

​Tamar Joulia-Paris is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique in Mons (Belgium), the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie et de Prospection Minière in Nancy (France) and the Solvay Business School in Brussels (Belgium). After ten years in the construction sector
and in manufacturing industry, mainly in developing countries, she joined the banking sector in 1992 at Banque Bruxelles Lambert (later ING Belgium) where she was in charge of credit risk management. She subsequently held senior management positions at ING Group in
Amsterdam, where she was in charge of the group-wide credit portfolio and credit markets during the financial crisis of 2008, and led teams in Europe, the US and Asia. In addition to her management functions, Tamar Joulia-Paris is also a member of the Management
Council of ING Group. After more than 25 years in the banking sector, she set up her own consulting and training company specialising in risk management in the financial sector, the impact of prudential regulations and balance sheet and portfolio optimisation. She is
also a visiting professor at the Facultés Universitaires de Saint-Louis (UCL) where she has been teaching risk management since 2004.

Principal fields of expertise
Financial company management, risk management, international regulations, crisis management, finance, audit and HR

​Filiz Korkmazer


20-April-1979 - Belgian

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2024 / 2024-2028

Non-Executive Director
Director of Dexia Holding and Dexia

Main function
Deputy Chief of Staff to the Ministry of Finance and Government Commissioner to the Protection Fund and a member of the Debt Agency's Strategy Committee, representing the Ministry of Finance.

Biography Filiz Korkmazer, a Belgian national, earned a master’s degree at the University of Ghent and then a post master’s degree in business law at the University of Paris II, Panthéon-Assas. She combined her practice as a lawyer with an assistantship at the University of Ghent. After working as a corporate lawyer for several years, she joined the Belgian Debt Agency as an international financial lawyer and was also a member of the executive committee. In 2015 she worked first as a consultant and then as deputy chief of staff to the Minister for Justice, where she was responsible for a number of fundamental reforms within broader economic law, including the reform of company and association law. The latter reform resulted in a new Companies and Associations Code in 2019 and was one of the biggest reforms in Belgian law to that date. She is currently deputy chief of staff to and head of the financial unit under the Minister for Finance. She is also a member of the Debt Agency's Strategy Committee and government commissioner at the Protection Fund.

Principaux domaines d’expertise
Risk management, financial markets, finance, legal and governance

​Victor Richon


05-May-1993 - French

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2024 / 2024-2028

Permanent representative of the French State on Dexia's and Dexia Holdings Board of Directors

Main function
Acting Deputy Director of Investments at the French State Holdings Agency (Agence des participations de l'État français)

Other mandates and functions
Non-executive director of the IN Group and Radio France

Mining engineer, graduate of the École des Mines de Paris, civil engineer. After a number of positions, notably with the World Bank and the Boston Consulting Group, Victor Richon worked for Akuo on the development of renewable energy projects in France and then, between 2018 and 2019, for Jumia, the leading e-commerce company in Africa. At the time of the Covid-19 epidemic, he worked in a dedicated unit set up by the Directorate General for Enterprise, before joining the Directorate General of the Treasury, where he was appointed deputy in charge of bilateral economic relations with Russia and the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. In 2022, Victor Richon joined the Agence des participations de l'État (APE), part of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, as head of Bpifrance and FDJ holdings. He is now Acting Deputy Director of Investments, in charge of the APE's Services and Finance sector. He is responsible for monitoring all the investments of the Services and Finance division (Bpifrance, La Poste, la Banque Postale, Orange, public broadcasting companies, FDJ, IN Group, Semmaris, Dexia Holding, etc.) in conjunction with the Director of Investments.

Principal fields of expertise
Accounting and auditing, strategic planning, financial analysis, information technology and security

​Alexandra Serizay


31-March-1977 - French

Year of first appointment / Current mandate
2016 / 2021-2025

Independent director
Director of Dexia Holding and Dexia

Main function
Global Head of Strategy - Corporate Services at Sodexo

Other mandates and functions
Director of Cofiroute and of AFS (VInce Autoroutes Group)

Alexandra Serizay is a graduate of the ESSEC. She began her career in 1997 as internal auditor with France Télécom Transpac, and then joined Deutsche Bank in London in 1999 as Associate in M&A. In 2004, she joined Bain in Paris and became Manager in 2007. In 2011, she joined HSBC France, first of all as a member of the Executive Committee of HSBC France, responsible for Strategy, and then in 2013 she became Secretary General of the Executive Committee of RBWM (Retail Banking & Wealth Management) and director in charge of customer development and offers in 2016. She also assumed a mandate within the boards of HSBC REIM France (Real Estate Investment Managers), HSBC SFH France (HSBC covered pool) and HSBC Factoring France. In September 2017 she left the HSBC Group to become Global Head of Strategy - Corporate Services at Sodexo.

Principal fields of expertise
Audit and finance, mergers and acquisitions, strategy, digital transformation, risk management.