Dexia Holding (as from 19 January), the parent company of the Dexia Group, is a limited company under Belgian law. The Group has been managed in orderly resolution since the end of 2011.
Dexia (formerly Dexia Crédit Local), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dexia Holding, is a limited company under French law.
Registered office 5 Place du Champ de Mars B-1050 Brussels Belgium
Registered office 1 Passerelle des Reflets Tour CBX - La Défense 2 92913 La Défense Cedex France
Telephone: + 32 2 213 57 00 Contact:
Telephone: +33 1 58 58 77 77 Contact:
RPM Brussels VAT BE 0458.548.296
RCS Nanterre 351 804 042 Intracommunity VAT No: FR 49 351 804 042 APE code: 6492 Z ORIAS No: 07030117
Legal representative: Mr Pierre Crevits, CEO
Director of Publication: Mrs Fabienne Carlier, Director of Communication
Contact for questions of personal data protection:
The user of this website acknowledges having read the legal information contained therein and undertakes to respect it.
The website of Dexia Holding and Dexia (formerly Dexia Crédit Local) (hereinafter referred to as “Dexia”) presents exclusively informative content. The data disseminated on this site are made available by Dexia for the purpose of informing you of its activities.
Dexia gives no guarantee, either explicit or implicit, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information published on the websites to which hyperlinks are established or to which this site refers.
Dexia may not under any circumstances be held liable for the content of this site or the use made of it, or for the content of websites to which a hyperlink exists. We thank users of the website for informing us of any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an e-mail to the webmaster (
The information on this website:
should not be construed as an offer or invitation by Dexia to invest in products, services or other financial instruments. Dexia seeks to limit the inconvenience caused by technical errors as much as possible. However, some data or information on its website may not have been created or structured in files or formats free of errors, and Dexia cannot guarantee that its service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. Dexia denies any liability with regard to such inconvenience which may result from the use of this website or any other external website to which it refers.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)1 entered into force on 25 May 2018. It increases the security and confidentiality of the data of persons in EU countries2 and imposes new obligations on all organisations which process the personal data of citizens of the European Union.
Data protection is vital, and Dexia complies with all national and European provisions relating to the protection of personal data.
Dexia is required to collect your personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Data”) as a data controller, and to that end, Dexia ensures the utmost transparency with regard to the processing and use of your Data, the retention period and the rights you have.
Your Data is collected directly from you. Personal data is used mainly for the internal management of the business relationship. They may also be used to keep the persons concerned informed of events, actions or publications, within the framework of their professional activity. In certain specific cases, data are collected from sources accessible to the public such as professional websites/social network pages. Dexia undertakes to ensure that the data collected and processed are limited to what is strictly necessary. Dexia collects different categories of personal data, in particular:
Dexia never processes Data relating to your racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religion, philosophical convictions or trade union membership, genetic data, sex life or sexual orientation.
Your data are mainly processed:
The recipients of your Data are exclusively Dexia staff members (or, as the case may be, its subcontractors). Such processing may involve the communication or exchange of data among certain entities of the Dexia Group and their subcontractors, including
This may involve processing outside the European Union (including but not limited to the United States and India). Within the context of a transfer to a country outside the European Union which does not offer adequate protection, rules ensuring the protection and security of personal data will be put in place prior to transfers, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions.
In the event that you apply for a job, additional personal data may be collected:
Your personal data will not be disclosed to commercial or advertising companies.
When your personal data are processed by subcontractors (service providers), Dexia will ensure that such subcontractors respect the same requirements as those described in this policy.
Dexia takes the appropriate physical, technical and organisational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data, in particular with a view to protecting them against loss, accidental destruction, alteration and unauthorized access.
The data collected is only retained for the time necessary for completing the formalities described above, within prescription limits, and in compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force.
In accordance with the GDPR, you may:
In order to exercise your rights, or if you have any questions, you may contact us, indicating your name, forename and contact details, and providing a copy of your ID at the following address:
Dexia Holding - Compliance Department 5 Place du Champ de Mars 1050 Brussels – Belgium
Dexia (formerly Dexia Crédit Local) - Compliance Department 1 Passerelle des Reflets – Tour CBX – La Défense 2 92913 La Défense Cedex – France
This website implements secure client access using Drupal 10 technology. Dexia implements all technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the processing of personal data and its confidentiality.
In this regard, Dexia takes all necessary precautions, considering the nature of the data and the risks presented by its processing, in order to preserve the security of the data and, in particular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties (physical protection of premises, authentication procedures with personal and secured access via confidential identifiers and passwords, logging of connections, encryption of certain data and so on).
For your security, please make sure you exit the browser or log out, if you have authenticated yourself with your personal login and password, at the end of your visit to the website, or if you are no longer physically in control of the computer.
Dexia's website uses “cookies”. These are small text files which are created by a programme on the Dexia website server and which, under certain circumstances, are saved on your computer's hard disk. These “cookies” are necessary from a technical point of view to ensure good communication by electronic means between your computer and the Dexia website. In particular, they record the language you choose during your first visit to the website, so that you will automatically be served in the language of your choice the next time you visit. If you do not want these cookies to be saved on your hard disk, you can configure your Internet browser to prevent them from accessing your hard disk. In this case, Dexia cannot guarantee the correct functioning of the websites under its control. If you wish, you can delete these “cookies” from your hard disk after each consultation of the website.
The content of this website, the information, programmes, brands and logos it contains are protected by the intellectual property rights of Dexia Holding and/or Dexia (formerly Dexia Crédit Local), its representatives or suppliers. Visitors to this website must always respect these intellectual property rights and refrain from breaching the relevant legislation.
The content of the Dexia Holding website is subject to Belgian law and that relating to Dexia (formerly Dexia Crédit Local) to French law. All users acknowledge the competence of the Belgian (for Dexia Holding) and French (for Dexia (formerly Dexia Crédit Local)) Courts of First Instance as well as the Appeal Courts for any dispute relating to the content and use of the website.
[1] Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council dated 27 April 2016 on data protection.
[2] In France, it is the Law No 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 on IT, files and freedoms, updated in particular by the Law No 2018-493 dated 20 June 2018. In Belgium, it s the Law dated 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.